
Showing posts from May, 2022

Lower Riparians' Water Woes: A festering issue in Pakistan

        John F. Kennedy rightly said, "Anyone who can solve the problems of water will be worthy of two Nobel prizes – one for peace and one for science.”Above alarming headlines suggest that water management is what Pakistan direly needs to address to promote National integration that is the backbone of Pakistani ideology.    The repeated pattern of woes each year underscores the level of mismanagement that is responsible for the plight of people. A common practice by politicians of Pakistan is that raise the issue aggressively, make people realize that concrete steps are taken to mitigate the issue by formation of a investigation committee, get recommendations and never act. Sadly, issue as vital as water crisis is also dealt in such a way... A committee formed....           New government formed a joint committee of Parliamentarians and technical experts in May'22 to investigate into the matter of water theft, measurement and other possible causes of water issues between