
Lower Riparians' Water Woes: A festering issue in Pakistan

        John F. Kennedy rightly said, "Anyone who can solve the problems of water will be worthy of two Nobel prizes – one for peace and one for science.”Above alarming headlines suggest that water management is what Pakistan direly needs to address to promote National integration that is the backbone of Pakistani ideology.    The repeated pattern of woes each year underscores the level of mismanagement that is responsible for the plight of people. A common practice by politicians of Pakistan is that raise the issue aggressively, make people realize that concrete steps are taken to mitigate the issue by formation of a investigation committee, get recommendations and never act. Sadly, issue as vital as water crisis is also dealt in such a way... A committee formed....           New government formed a joint committee of Parliamentarians and technical experts in May'22 to investigate into the matter of water theft, measurement and other possible causes of water issues between

Surah Hujrat: Directions for man to live in society

Quran contains guidance about everything Surah- Al Hujrat is 49th surah of Quran. It was revealed to Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) on 9th A.H in Madinah. It contains most essential instructions for amicable society. It has 2 rukkus which contain instructions about the respect of Holy prophet (P.B.U.H), gives directions to Muslims about social and moral values of society and forbids the actions that might create the friction among people and destroy amicable society. Directions about apt behavior with Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H):  In 9th A.H many delegations came from different areas to accept Islam. Those included some uncouth tribes who would not follow general traditions such as sending someone to inquire about Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) or wait for him outside but would call Prophet (P.B.U.H) by name and roam around house of Azwaj-e-Mutahirat which would disturb Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) and as he would not complain directly Allah laid down general rules in respect of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.

Governments Contribution to combat COVID-19 and Pakistan’s dilemma

 :: (Text in Green contains links, click them for further information) Corona Virus has become one of the global threats to the society that has gripped all aspects of our social life, its growing impact has not only crippled our social but religious and ethical values.  Governments have to play vital role in making possible the suppression of the Corona virus responsible for Covid-19 and associated crisis. Many governments have taken aggressive action to limit the spread of Covid-19 in their country. The Government’s policies and decisions should aspire to: Ensure health care resources are available to all citizens. Limit the impact on different departments and services (especially critical services) Alleviate the impact on people and companies (Social, Economic, Cultural impacts etc.) Provide relevant information to ease off concerns regarding the virus. Invest in Research and development of Healthcare to find the cure and prevention. Ensure that the right measur

Detailed Corona: How to prevent ourselves without unnecessarily benefiting supply mafias

This blog contains information taken from doctors, health journals, news and websites related to Covid-19. From the making of biggest hospital in Sindh, quickest and smart hospital in Wuhan, complete lock-downs in China, Italy, Spain and others to “GO CORONA” slogans by Indian minister and his crowd everyone is working in a bid to slow down and eliminate corona virus. Quarantine and isolation building at Sukkur, Sindh, Pakistan. Many (like me) would want to prevent Corona not only due to illness it causes but to avoid problems that society poses for people with such symptoms to face in this pandemic; Like coughing, sneezing or cleaning your nose etc in public is now like a taboo or at the least we become victim of ridicule by our friends. So we should prevent getting cold or flu more than ever. Prevention: No handshakes. Washing hands after coughing or sneezing, visiting sick, before, during and after cooking food and returning home from work place or