Surah Hujrat: Directions for man to live in society

Quran contains guidance about everything

Surah- Al Hujrat is 49th surah of Quran. It was revealed to Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) on 9th A.H in Madinah. It contains most essential instructions for amicable society. It has 2 rukkus which contain instructions about the respect of Holy prophet (P.B.U.H), gives directions to Muslims about social and moral values of society and forbids the actions that might create the friction among people and destroy amicable society.

Directions about apt behavior with Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H):

 In 9th A.H many delegations came from different areas to accept Islam. Those included some uncouth tribes who would not follow general traditions such as sending someone to inquire about Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) or wait for him outside but would call Prophet (P.B.U.H) by name and roam around house of Azwaj-e-Mutahirat which would disturb Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) and as he would not complain directly Allah laid down general rules in respect of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) in this Surah, such as:
  •  O people! Don't go ahead of Allah and His Prophet (P.B.U.H): This conveyed a message to people at that to not cross Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) while walking also in that time and presently, it implies that all commands and decisions should be from Quran, Hadiths and Sunnah, Ijma and Qiyas only come later and also no decision or law should go against Quran and Hadith.
  • Respect of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) must be by heart.
  • Not to raise voice over the voice of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)....Someone who presently, comments or taunts on Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)'s Sunnah and Hadith, disobeys this command. 
  • To lower voice before Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) is a sign of  'Taqwa' (Piety).
  • To call Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)'s name loudly is uncivilised way and disliked in Quran: Presently, one should take Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)'s name in respectful and loving way.

Social and Moral values of society:

These guidelines in Holy Quran sets and strengthens the foundation of society of people:
  • Whisper rumours must be tested: One who brings news his background, personality and other traits should be checked also the situation or event which is rumoured should be analyzed before further spreading it or forming an opinion.... Surah advises it so as to prevent some disaster from happening just due to an ill-repute person.
  • Leader of the community should not be stressed to always follow the opinion of common people.... Surah explains this by example of Holy Prophet.
  • Make peace among people: Disputes among adherents of Islam are disliked but when occurred those should be settled amicably and if required one should fulfil his duty as mediator responsibly.
  • All matters must be settled on justice. 
  • There must be brotherhood among members of society: Quran announces believers to be brothers of each other therefore it commands to maintain good relations.
  • Faith is not matter of words: Believer is one who by heart accepts every fundamental obligation towards Allah and His messenger and obeys Islam's commands. To be ready for Islam's service without any selfish reason is prescribed by Allah in this Surah.

Forbidden actions:

These actions should be avoided so that a peaceful society can be maintained:
  • Do not call anyone with mischievous names: call with good names and titles...If someone is famous by a name that it becomes important to say it else his identity is unclear that is permissible.
  • Without any proof don't think bad about anyone: This includes prohibition from disrespecting anyone without reason and trying to demean anyone by insulting him or unnecessarily blaming... One should have faith in Allah and have generally good view about people to create a healthy society.
  • Never backbite anyone: Backbiting as explained by Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) is "That behind one's back talking about person in a way that might be disliked by him and even he isn't aware of it". Situations such as  discussing someone's fault with others who can correct the person, or oppressed complaining about oppressor with anyone vested with authority to punish oppressor, or to discuss someone's evilness to create awareness and save general population from harm are exceptions which don't count under category of backbiting.
  • Excessive presumption about everything is prohibited: Don't try to find secrets or faults of anyone also keep away from prying. Spying for security or any other state related reason is allowed as it aims to bring order in society.
  • Do not hurt anyone physically or socially as it is unforgivable by Allah: One should not laugh on anyone as it not only hurts him but also shows that person is proud of oneself and feels superior than others due to his status; both of which are disapproved by Allah.
The Holy Quran introduces itself  "as the guidance for the worlds" (3:96); and "a conclusive proof from lord; a manifest light" (4:174).
According to Qur’an, Allah has laid down solution of every human necessity in the Quran in a clear way. Quran says: “and We have revealed the Book to you explaining clearly everything" (16:89).
So, it is evident that Islam itself is a complete guidance and a way of life that needs to be adopted; it is a religion that requires complete submission and not just lip service.


  1. An encompassing interpretation of Surah Hujrat in general and The Qura'an and Deen e Islam in general. Good work 👌.

  2. Jazak Allah for contributing in making this beautiful Deen a bit easier for us.

  3. Interpretation of a Surah containing such an important message couldn't be simpler

  4. Beautifully interpreted!

  5. MashaAllah, very well versed!!


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