Detailed Corona: How to prevent ourselves without unnecessarily benefiting supply mafias

This blog contains information taken from doctors, health journals, news and websites related to Covid-19.

From the making of biggest hospital in Sindh, quickest and smart hospital in Wuhan, complete lock-downs in China, Italy, Spain and others to “GO CORONA” slogans by Indian minister and his crowd everyone is working in a bid to slow down and eliminate corona virus.

Quarantine and isolation building at Sukkur, Sindh, Pakistan.

Many (like me) would want to prevent Corona not only due to illness it causes but to avoid problems that society poses for people with such symptoms to face in this pandemic; Like coughing, sneezing or cleaning your nose etc in public is now like a taboo or at the least we become victim of ridicule by our friends. So we should prevent getting cold or flu more than ever.

  • No handshakes.
  • Washing hands after coughing or sneezing, visiting sick, before, during and after cooking food and returning home from work place or anywhere. (Apply these instead of creating hype and becoming living advertiser for hand sanitizers!).
  • Sanitizers should be used in hospitals, health sector companies and others… Here they should be used regularly not only in Corona fear. Sanitizer is a good protective measure for an individual but not a must. These sectors can even make their own (without disrupting demand and supply chain). Note: A small amount of sanitizer and hand wash has same effect as using a handful of it so please don’t waste it with irresponsible use…  
  • Avoid close contact with anyone having flu-like symptoms.
  • Cover nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing with tissue or bent elbow. 
  • Avoid crowded places, gatherings and avoid unnecessary outing specially keep elderly and children at home.
  • Masks should only be used by people with cold, flu or other similar symptoms. (This should be implemented instead of everyone using masks regularly). 
  •  If required use surgical masks.
  •  Cloth masks are useless in defense against Corona, but you can use it to prevent allergens, dust, pollen etc.
  • N-95 mask and full kit is only recommended for doctors or other personnel who visit isolation ward (room) of affected person and after visit those are removed and disposed of with set protocols and procedures.  

    Who should get tested for this virus and how?

    People are rushing to Aga khan and few other hospitals that have got Corona virus primary test kits to get screened for this virus…. This initial test of approximately 900 rupees is not for every individual, it is done if you have genuine reason like travel history (Aga khan currently recommends screening travelers from China, Afghanistan, USA and Iran) or cold and flu-like symptoms. Doctors say that it is non-specific test that has 30% tendency of false positive. If it is positive, then another test called PCR is done that confirms Corona virus; it costs up to Rs. 11000 in some hospitals. These tests can be done free of cost at Community Health Centre of AKUH in case of Sindh government issued referral letter.
    In order, to get a referral letter, if you or someone you know is experiencing known symptoms mentioned above, you can call government help lines. For Sindh these are 021-99203443 and 021-99204405, you will be connected to appropriate line. A government affiliated doctor will take your appropriate history and determine if you need the test or not. If you need the test, the ambulance will be sent your way to take you to the hospital and test your contacts as well.

    The last and most necessary advice for general public is to “Stop Panicking”. Over 80% people just experience mild symptoms which are common in any other flu. 

    Businesses are already closed in some areas and others are pondering upon policy for closures of business. Sindh government has already ordered for closure of many businesses. Full lock down is not appropriate; its damage may outweigh the benefits. This will be more painful for people with daily wages. Chief Minister Sindh had already announced that provisions would be ensured to the people who are in isolation due to virus and their family at home.
    Governments should also ensure same for daily wages worker who might get affected due to their policies. This responsibility also lies on their employers.

    An economist has given a valid suggestion:   
    Government should divert dam fund to support health care institutions and daily wage population. 
    Public can play their role by avoiding unnecessary outing, shopping etc. to prevent from conditions being so worse so as to force governments to enforce the same by lock-down.

    Duas to seek Allah’s help:






  1. Very informative. Thankyou for this!!!!


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